Wednesday, March 30, 2011

a new day!

Every morning when you wake up, you have choices. You can decide to make the most of your day, take every opportunity to challenge your self and lift the people up around you. Or you can decide that today is unimportant, just another day, and go through it with eyes closed to the many opportunities to do good things for yourself and others. Every morning when I wake up, with my eyes still closed, before my feet hit the floor, I lay still and think about what is going on that day. What responsibilities I have, what commitments I have made, what there is to be excited about, where I am with my goals. A moment of contemplation can go a really long way. Once I do rise and my feet hit the floor, I am ready. Mentally clear, I begin to carry out that days goals. The pushing of myself begins early. I make choices to eat a healthy breakfast, drink some skim milk and add fruit. I think about how its going to give me energy and get me through the day. I enjoy every bite and take pleasure in the fact that this is good for me. A few months ago, when I woke in the morning I would have to drag myself around until I got enough blood flowing to be awake. I would dread many things about the day and look forward to when it was over and I was in my bed again. I still really look forward to when I can lay down my tired body at the end of the day, but I also look forward and get excited about all the little things that bring me happiness all day. With each challenge met, each hurdle overcome, each moment enjoyed, my days mean something now. They are not just aimless passing of time that I must get through in order to survive. They are now moments that are awesome, inspiring and positive. Its incredible how powerful our minds are! We have the power to change any situation, or at least the way we view the situation. I really do believe that there is a silver lining lurking around every storm cloud. You just have to find it. Well, on to this day! May it be full of accomplishment, joy and triumph!

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